About Tara
You have had to take more risks and face more challenges in this country then anyone could have imagined. By immigrating you did have opportunities and more rewards than if you would have stayed but this was not by luck.
By taking advantage of opportunities, you also had to put yourself out there in new ways such as possibly learning a new language, creating a new or additional support system that’s located close to you, and adjustments that your family had to face whether it was being gone or by leaving their home behind to join you.
The nuances of this chapter can be overwhelming. You try not to face the issues, but they are only getting bigger and harder to deal with on your own. You are feeling alone!
What's your story?
My passion is to provide a safe place where you can tell your story without interruption. Your story is important! I will listen to you and assist you in coming to understand and accept these transitions and adjustments in life. I understand that immigrating sometimes means that others try to erase who you were before arriving as if you were two different people instead of someone who moved, a little further than most, away from home and that finding someone to listen and that gets it, is difficult. I will listen to your story, the past, the present, and the future…and all the transitions in between. In those stories, we will find strength and wholeness in what makes you unique from others. We will look at issues of relationships, money, culture shock (whether coming here or going back), and other challenges you may face.
I will guide you through the obstacles and challenges of feeling fear, loneliness, and self-doubt. I am not here to tell you what to do, or how to live your life. I am only here to simply walk with you on your journey. Together, we can gain a deeper reflection and understanding on what you want from your life and your relationships. We will look deeper into your personal values and visions of what you define as “success,” then we can use those tools to conquer obstacles and challenges to get to where you want to go.